Translating vital documents

Translating vital documents is one way to ensure that LEPs are able to access services or programs. In Baltimore City, it is recommended that agencies translate documents into the city’s core languages. MIMA works with agency Language Access Liaisons to help identify and collect vital documents. When documents have been collected, MIMA then coordinates translation.

Guidelines for Identifying Vital Documents:

A document will be considered vital if it contains information that is critical for accessing the agency’s program or activities or is required by law. These should be documents that have been developed by the agency and not by a third party (i.e. state or federal government or a nonprofit/community group).

Vital documents may include, but not limited to:

  • Documents that provide information on accessing your agency’s services
  • Notice of ineligibility, denial, or cancellation of services
  • Documents that are required by law such as: complaint, consent, release, or waiver forms
  • Application forms*
  • Notice of rights, requirements, or responsibilities
  • Information on emergency situations or disaster-preparedness
  • Notices of upcoming appointments or requests to appear before a board
* Applications should be translated with fields in English and the translated languages so that a completed application can be understood by an English speaker. Agencies should consider how they plan to process applications completed in another language. A best practice work around is completing applications over the phone with the assistance of telephonic interpretation.


Collecting Vital Documents for Translation:

The agency Language Access Liaison will be responsible for collecting the agency’s vital documents. The Language Access Liaison will submit documents to MIMA’s Language Access Coordinator for review (e.g. a lengthy manual may not be appropriate for translation). This process will be finalized by September of each year to aid MIMA in the allocation of funds for translation based on agency needs.

As of FY22, MIMA controls the citywide budget for translation to centralize the process and streamline procurement. This centralization also allows for better tracking and storage of all translated documents.

Not all identified vital documents will be translated at once. Agencies can expect all of their requested vital documents to be translated over the course of a three-year period, and MIMA will help Language Access Liaisons prioritize documents for translation.

Evaluating Vital Documents:

MIMA wants to ensure that documents submitted for translation are in a format that can be easily translated. The following criteria should be considered when submitting documents to MIMA:

  • Verify that the document is the most updated version and that it will not be subject to updates within six months of submission.
  • Ensure documents are in an editable format. This can be in Microsoft word format, packaged Adobe design file, Canva document, etc. Documents saved as a PDF and graphics in .png or .jpeg format are not acceptable, as the translation company cannot directly edit these files.
  • Documents should be concise. The purpose of translation is to make a document accessible to the public; a 20-page document is not likely to be approved for translation because a member of the public should not be expected to read a lengthy document for critical information. For tips on readability, click here.
  • For documents such as applications, the agency should ensure that they have the language skills to receive applications in all languages, including those that use other character systems, like Arabic, Korean, or Mandarin. If this is not possible, agencies should consider alternatives like accepting applications completed over the phone with the assistance of an interpreter so that the application can be more easily processed.

Translation of Non-Vital Documents

If you are looking to translate non-vital documents, please consult with MIMA’s Language Access Coordinator and they are able to support your request on a case-by-case basis.